The options and capacities available in the
world of online social networking and communication are increasing at a speed
that leaves a lot of us with heads spinning. We share photos across the country
in real time. We chat face to face with people halfway around the world. Much
of what goes on in the internet world seems quickly relegated to the oblivion
offered by the sheer volume of bites layering upon bites. That is, until
someone either happens upon something you’ve posted, or intentionally goes
looking for you, either out of curiosity, in appreciation of your work, or
because they hope that they might be able to discredit or undermine you.
When this happens, just about everything you
have written is right there for better or for worse. People can look at it,
pour over it, distribute it, take it out of context, make attributions about
you and your words, think well or poorly of you and of anyone or anything
associated with you.
In this way, a momentary annoyance, or a tongue-in-cheek
comment expressed online can become a banner that grows in significance and
meaning. It can become an overwhelming, even “viral”, and very permanent
representation of you, of the voice of the agency, profession, or other
associated group to which you belong.
This speaks to the issue that if social networking occurs “off the
clock” in a person’s personal time, whose business is it if they post, for
A complaint, frustration,
or exasperation about what an un-named client has done?
A desire to be retired , on
vacation, or doing something else?
Positive or neutral
comments about an un-named client?
A re-count of an
interesting or challenging “case” at work?
These are not necessarily unauthorized
disclosures of protected health information, though they easily might be. These
particular types of statements are more subtly destructive of the trust the
community places in us, the trust that allows people to take a risk in
disclosing themselves to us, and the confidence they place in us that ultimately
allows us do our work effectively. These types of statements raise questions
about our fundamental values, professionalism, objectivity, respect, interest
and commitment to our work and to the people we serve. They also raise
questions about our basic ability to keep our mouths shut when needed.
These posts may seem innocent to the writer
or amusing to their friends, but they are, in fact, profound and far-reaching
violations of the trust that our clients and our communities place in our agency
and in mental health practitioners in general.